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Showing posts from August, 2010

Manusia Oh Manusia

I DID IT! Yes, FINALLY! Well, start writing a blog that is. I've been wanting to do this since forever and only today am actually letting my fingers run free across these letters on my sorry keyboard. Call me a late bloomer or whatever - not that I could be bothered. I'm on it now wehoo! What's left to do is for me to squeeze my brain real hard, I mean REAL hard and drain it to its very last drop of juice, so that I can come up with more stuff to crap about, blah blah blah snore..Zzz (Yes you're doing good DEMM) *Squeeze hard* Back to the topic.. . . Pikiran aku sekarang agak tonggang-langgang dan compang-camping sejak kebelakangan ni.. KENAPA?? tah aku pun tak pasti. tp apa yang pasti,, benda tak seperti dulu kala lagi. satu benda yang asyik duk main roller coaster kt paleotak nih sgt membebankan ! ARGHHHHHH ! it is something that cannot be spoken out in WORDS but yet through EMOTIONS i think. fuck. people are changing everywhere. What a life man ! HAHA